Oppisopimus (Klinikkaeläinhoitaja)
Avoin työpaikka: Oppisopimus (Klinikkaeläinhoitaja)
Apprenticeship in veterinary nursing
We are a small animal clinic in Loviisa, working mainly with dogs and cats. We are equipped with internal laboratory, x-rays, ultrasound, dental and surgical equipment. We offer friendly and interesting working environment.
We are looking for someone to join our team:
We offer full-time position (37,5h/week). Working hours vary, Mon-Fri, 9:00-19:00
Required good speaking and writing skills in Finnish, Swedish and English. Previous experience in small animal practice or/and customer service is not required, but will be appreciated. Friendly personality, positive attitude, self-motivation are what we are looking for in our candidates.
Working place: Loviisan Eläinklinikka Lovet, Seppäläntie 19, Loviisa.
Job duties: customer service/booking, translation, assistance in veterinary visits and procedures, clinic maintenance and cleaning.
Position is open immediately.
Two-month trial period at our company is required before starting apprenticeship (Taitotalo/Ekami).
More information about us: www.lovet.fi , www.ultravet.fi
If you are interested, please send us CV and short motivation letter in English: elainklinikkalovet@gmail.com